Dear Friend in Christ,
We all plan for the future. As Catholics, we are called to plan for the future of our Church. It is our Spiritual Family. With this in mind, Marytown has expanded our Grace Giving Growth Society to include planned giving options. These types of gifts will provide a reliable source of income for the Conventual Franciscan Friars who live and serve at the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe for generations to come.
The Grace Giving Growth Society has a unique purpose in the life of our faith community. Its mission is to empower ministry beyond what is possible through annual operating funds. Planned Gifts assist the Conventual Franciscan Friars of Marytown against future uncertainties. It is a commitment to provide our future friars with the means to minister to our community as we have been blessed to do.
The Legacy of St. Francis
Over 800 years ago, Jesus appeared to Saint Francis in the church of San Damiano and told him to “Rebuild My Church.” The humble Friar from Assisi took it both literally and figuratively. Francis rebuilt the San Damiano church with his own hands. In the years following, his preaching led to another kind of rebuilding of the Church. He preached a devout adherence to the way of Christ, in simplicity, love, and action – leading to the founding of the Franciscan Order. Its members continued Francis’s mission of rebuilding the Church throughout the centuries.
Since 1948, the Conventual Franciscan Friars of Marytown have carried on this mission in the United States to what has come to be known as Marytown, the Third City of the Immaculata – dedicated to the works begun by St. Maximilian Kolbe nearly a century ago.
Like the followers of St. Francis many generations ago, today we continue the mission to rebuilt the church. You are a vital part of this mission at Marytown. You are Our legacy in bringing Souls to Jesus through the Immaculate. Your planned gift can provide a lasting impact as a faithful partner of Marytown, a sacred pilgrimage site that we hope will continue for many generations to come.
How can you include Marytown in your planned giving?
There are many legacy gift options available when it comes to planned giving. We encourage you to learn the many ways you can support our continued mission of St. Maximilian Kolbe and then discuss your options with your financial expert or attorney.
We prayerfully request that you include us in your planned giving. Please contact our Development Office at [email protected] with any questions.
In the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Very Reverend Lawrence Zurek, OFM. Conv.